1. Manage with fairness.
2. Maintain high standards.
3. Provide support and direction.
4. Create an environment of growth and development.
"FMG, a unique management alternative...providing the highest quality of service in a changing environment."
1. Maintain high quality of products and services.
2. Operate within corporate policies and procedures.
3. Utilize corporate systems, tools and resources to their maximum potential.
To Accomplish This Vision, FMG Will:
Vision Statement
" To be the most innovative and creative management company in the healthcare industry."
The Mission Statement defines WHAT we think we are, or want to be, and provides a broad definition of what we do. If we are to accomplish our mission, we need a specific direction or a VISION of specifically HOW we intend to accomplish it. Unlike the Mission, we should expect our vision to change as we seek new opportunities that are consistent with our Mission.
The Mission Statement of our Corporation spells out what we are or intend to be. It is the basis for all services we offer, or may someday offer, as well as many of our policies and decisions. It is the foundation of our Corporation.
1. Look at the services we provide through the eyes of those we serve, and thus try to be a truly customer driven corporation.
2. Develop an individual and organizational spirit of pride and self-confidence. We believe we are the best service company in existence.
3. Create a management environment that brings out the best effort of each of us, regardless of our job title or description. It is mandatory that those who do the work are involved in decisions which affect their work.
4. Work to have effective and efficient ways of communication with our clients and ourselves. This is critical to the success of our mission, and we will not stop trying until we succeed.
5. Constantly strive to be a family, rather than an employer. As a family, we will have concern for each other's well being and be cognizant of human needs and feelings. Our expectations will be based on fairness consistent with the overall well being of our corporation and its mission.
1. Continue to develop systems and programs that positions FMG on the leading edge of the service industry.
As we proceed with making our VISION a reality, we need a set of values or rules by which we will conduct ourselves. We care not only about WHAT we will do, but HOW we will conduct ourselves along the way and how we will treat others and ourselves in the process. These values need to be written down, and constantly referred to until they become our corporation's "way of life."
1. Manage our client's money as if it were our own.
2. Manage FMG's assets to provide a strong base for future growth.
The culture of the organization defines the environment in which we work. The culture we desire takes action and constant effort. Without that effort, an undesirable culture will evolve or even worse, no culture at all. We will work to develop a culture with the following characteristics:
1. Know who FMG's customers are.
2. Take the time to understand their goals and be flexible enough to respond to our client's changing needs.
3. Practice timely communications.
4. Take a proactive management approach.
FMG's philosophy for foodservice operations is based upon the development, implementation and maintenance of the highest professional foodservice standards.
Our approach is to test and refine programs which can be duplicated in each of our operations and which are adaptable to our clients' facilities and requirements.
The ability to deliver quality programs again and again under very different circumstances for clients with very different objectives is unique in the foodservice industry. This ability says more about our management philosophy than anything we might say in our proposal.
FMG has enjoyed exciting growth due to our sensitivity to our clients' needs and understanding of foodservice trends. We will ensure our continued growth through imaginative marketing, professional management, innovative systems, and the development of creative foodservice personnel.
Much of our future growth will come from our existing business base. The ongoing development of quality programs, sound controls and our ability to out-perform our competitors will continue to provide us solid growth opportunities.
In addition to broadening our base and further penetrating the Healthcare Foodservice Market, FMG has prepared for growth, based on:
· changing demographics
· the need for hospitals to customize their food service to meet the changing needs of
patients and the community
· more meals being consumed away from home (one of every two)
· a competitive quality and cost-conscious health care industry
· increasing diversity in specialty care hospitals
The above have contributed to an environment presenting tremendous growth possibilities. FMG's management will provide our operating divisions with the necessary resources to achieve the goals of our clients.
1. Our clients and our employees provide the strength of our corporation, and as such, we are no stronger as a corporation than we are as individuals.
2. In conducting our business with the highest degree of honesty and integrity. In doing so, we must commit ourselves and expect those we do business with to have the same ethical standards.
3. That our functional responsibility is one of the stewardship of our client's resources, not ownership. We must make every effort to safeguard our client's resources and always act in their best interest.
4. That bureaucracy, structure and formality for its own sake, is unnecessary. Those responsible for the outcome of a job will have the authority to perform that job, and because of this we will learn to mutually trust each other.
5. That decisions and actions should be predicated on the basis of fairness without bias over any other consideration.
6. In the challenge of maintaining creativity in the search for better, more effective ways of performing our work. We will not be restrained by "that's the way it's always been done", when we know that our search for excellence is frustrated by conventional methods.
7. In striving for excellence in the work we do, but realize that excellence is something not easily achieved nor maintained. This fact will not stop us from making every effort to perform better today than we did yesterday.
8. That honest mistakes will happen, even when trying our best. We commit ourselves to forgive those mistakes in ourselves and others, because that is the only way constructive criticism can exist in a non-threatening environment.
9. That pointless complaining, idle gossip or criticism and fault finding are self-destructive and we will not tolerate that behavior. Those who find it necessary to constantly complain or find fault will be motivated to complain and find fault in some other corporation.
10. That while striving to perform our jobs with excellence is the touchstone of our corporation, we also believe that unless we have fun doing it, true excellence is never achieved.
Food Management Group, Inc. © Copyright. All Rights Reserved.